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Why are people not getting Google AdSense approval?

Why are people not getting Google AdSense approval

Why are people not getting Google AdSense approval?

People are facing the biggest problem of not receiving approval from the Google AdSense team. Today, through this blog, we are discussing in detail the reasons for not getting approval from AdSense. If those who are not getting approval from Google AdSense can identify and improve those reasons, they will eventually receive approval. Before delving into the details, it is important to clarify one thing. This post is for those who want to earn money through blogging and therefore, want to get approval from Google AdSense to display advertisements on their blogs and generate income, similar to how YouTubers earn money through their videos.

The Google AdSense publisher account is available for both bloggers and YouTubers. However, in this article, we are specifically discussing why bloggers are not getting AdSense approval.

1 – Not following Google’s policies

As most people know, Google AdSense has its own policies where bloggers are required to adhere to their rules and conditions when placing posts and content on their blogs. However, not everyone fully follows Google’s policies, and as a result, many times when you submit your blog or website for AdSense approval, your account gets rejected.

Advice – To follow Google’s policies, the first thing you need to understand is what specific terms and conditions Google wants you to adhere to. For this, you can find complete information on Google’s policy page and gather comprehensive details from there.

For now, understand this in brief: Google AdSense is fully dependent on advertisements. While Google provides advertisers with the opportunity to run advertisements through Google Ads, on the other hand, bloggers and website owners are needed to display those advertisements on their blogs or websites. This means that Google requires more and more bloggers and website owners because it assures its clients, the advertisers, that they will reach a larger audience through AdSense.

Now, in such a scenario, if there is a website that people prefer not to visit, it is evident that the ads placed there will not be seen, resulting in no profit for the advertisers. And when advertisers don’t profit from running ads, they may choose to switch to another ad network instead of Google, causing a loss for Google. To prevent this loss, Google continuously adapts its policies according to the needs and requirements of its clients, taking into account both time and necessity.

Here is another important aspect that compels Google to enforce various rules and regulations through bloggers. Primarily, these are government rules and regulations that even Google must abide by. Clearly, when Google is giving you money through AdSense, it is supporting you in some way. In such a scenario, the government would never want Google to support those who engage in illegal activities, such as promoting pornographic or misleading content through websites or blogs.

Hopefully, this small example has made it clear to you how important it is to follow Google’s policies. Now you might be wondering what needs to be done to adhere to these policies.

To do so, you need to create important pages on your website to provide clarity on various aspects. For example, you should have a “Terms & Conditions” page that outlines the terms and conditions of your website, which will be checked by the Google AdSense team when they approve your site. You also need to have a “Privacy” page to demonstrate how you prioritize user privacy on your website. There are several other crucial pages, and you can purchase their formats on the website.

Please note that while I have provided a translation, it is always advisable to consult a professional translator to ensure accuracy and clarity in the content.

Taking into consideration all your requirements and to make your work easier, this product has been developed and is now available for you. You can simply purchase it from the store and it will provide you with pre-made pages where you can add your business name and your website’s link. It will guide you on which links to include and where, and provide all the necessary information on what to add in each section. Once you download the product after purchasing, you will find all the instructions and details therein.


2- Low-value content –

The term “Low-value content” refers to content that may be written but doesn’t have high demand. It means that not many people are searching for that content on the website. It’s important to note that in the eyes of Google, low-value content also indicates that your content is not reaching the intended audience. This usually happens when the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) of your website is not done correctly.

But don’t worry, all the SEO-related services are available on our website. If you need assistance with SEO for your website, you can contact us.


There can be several reasons why a website may not be able to reach its audience. We can discuss this in more detail through another article or further discussion. For now, understand that it is crucial for you to consistently generate traffic to your website.

If you want to understand what traffic means, we have already written an e-book on this topic. You can purchase it on Amazon or the website to gain complete knowledge.

3- Minimum content requirements

The term “Minimum content requirements”, means that the content available on your website is not in line with the content that Google desires. To understand this better, let’s consider an example of Google’s policies. Most people mistakenly believe that minimum content requirements imply having at least 20 posts on a website or one post in each category, which is incorrect.

The concept of minimum content requirements suggests that the content on your website should be of a specific nature that readers would want to engage with – content that adheres to terms, conditions, and policies. You should avoid writing misleading information or displaying explicit content, violent videos or audio, or any content that can misguide or harm your audience. Such content should not flood your website with excessive traffic.

Regarding the notion of having a minimum of 20 posts, it is important to understand that Google does not impose a fixed limit on the number of content posts. However, during the approval process, Google will consider the potential opportunities for displaying ads on your website. Here, opportunities refer to the number of posts that attract readers to visit and view ads. Therefore, having more posts increases the chances of approval.

Another aspect that Google pays close attention to in minimum content requirements is whether your content is completely copied and pasted from another website. If this occurs, it will negatively impact the SEO of your website on Google. Consequently, if your post does not rank well, the ads displayed will not be viewed by users or they will have minimal visibility. This means that advertisers running ads on Google will not benefit from such a situation. Consequently, in the absence of profit, they may prefer to advertise elsewhere, resulting in a loss for Google.

4- Webmaster Quality Guidelines

This pertains to SEO, which means that your content is not ranking well on Google. Webmaster is a tool provided by Google, currently known as Google Search Console, through which you can submit each post or page of your website for ranking on Google, free of charge. Most bloggers focus only on writing blog posts but neglect to index them in the search console, resulting in improper maintenance of SEO for their blog or website. If a blog fails to rank, it will not attract traffic to the blog or website. Consequently, when traffic is low, it leads to losses, as I have already explained in detail earlier.

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Why are people not getting Google AdSense approval? 17

5- Website interface –

The “Website interface” refers to the interface of a website, how it appears, and whether its pages and blogs function properly when clicked. All these aspects are also considered during AdSense approval. Now, you might be wondering what Google has to do with the appearance of our website. Well, let me clarify that behind this lies the primary reason which is website SEO. If your website is not properly designed or if it is not responsive, it can affect the proper functioning of Google AdSense ads. Additionally, if the content is placed too closely to the ads, visitors may accidentally click on them, leading to heavy losses for Google in terms of cost-per-click (CPC) ads.

Many times, websites work fine on desktops but fail to function properly on mobile or tablets due to the lack of responsiveness. Therefore, it is always recommended to get your website or blog developed by professional service providers. If you wish, you can also make use of our freelancing service, where you can pay us to create a good quality website for you.

Important information

If you are not receiving Google AdSense approval for your website and you want us to thoroughly check your website, identify any shortcomings, and provide you with a comprehensive report, you can take advantage of this service by making a payment to us. After that, our team will audit your website and deliver the complete report to you, enabling you to identify any deficiencies in your website.

Additionally, if you want us to manage the AdSense approval process for your website, this service will also be available to you through our freelancing service. You can discuss the payment and details of this service with us via live chat and take advantage of this feature.

You can ask your questions through comments in this post.

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ऑनलाइन बिजनेस बढ़ाना हे तो यह तरीके अपना लो 100% फायदा होगा

ऑनलाइन बिजनेस बढ़ाना हे तो यह तरीके अपना लो 100% फायदा होगा – आपको आपके बिज़नेस में रिजल्ट्स कुछ ही…

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